Career Counseling

A professional career is the ultimate goal educators aim for their students. SEAMEO STEM-ED similarly endeavors to guide students toward a future in the STEM workforce. Recognising teachers as crucial in propelling students toward their desired careers and providing necessary guidance, we believe teachers must be fully equipped with expertise, such as the ability to establish strong bonds with students and effective mentoring. Based on these principles, we organise a series of workshops that bring together teachers and industry experts to explore innovative approaches and strategies for implementing career counseling.

Centered around a three-stage model: discovery (a measure to explore possibilities and core competitiveness), analysis (a measure to identify and build strong strategic plans), and activation (professional development for counselors), the programme includes structured training sessions where networks of professionals are established.

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The 'Career Academies program' in 'Career Education,' following the American National Career Academy Coalition model, guides students in setting long-term goals within a supportive network, fostering enthusiasm for higher education

Without awareness, it is challenging for individuals, whether policymakers, educators, teachers, or students, to envision their paths. The crucial aspect in this regard is paramount in crafting successful pathways.

STEM Career Professional Development (STEM PD) serves as a foundational element for SEAMEO STEM-ED programme component, ensuring educators stay informed about industry trends to align their teaching with evolving workforce demands.

SEAMEO STEM-ED has long emphasised the strength of collaboration and the transformative power of partnerships in advancing STEM education. Through fostering meaningful alliances with educational institutions, industry experts, and governmental bodies, SEAMEO STEM-ED continues to amplify its impact, creating a dynamic ecosystem that nurtures innovation and excellence in STEM learning. This commitment to collaboration underscores the organisation's dedication to shaping a vibrant and sustainable future for STEM education in the region.

Career Education Resources