Annual Report

Welcome to the SEAMEO STEM-ED Annual Reports section, where transparency meets achievement, and progress unfolds in the narrative of our organization’s journey. In these meticulously crafted documents, we present a comprehensive overview of our activities, milestones, and impact over the past years.

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Annual Report FY 2023-2024
Together, we can shape a resilient future through STEM empowerment, preparing our learners to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Annual Report FY 2022-2023
SEAMEO STEM-ED began the new fiscal year 2022/2023 with a reduction in the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic, which created a new normal for the world.
Annual Report FY 2021-2022
The SEAMEO STEM-ED Centre has completed another year in pursuit of our mission to strengthen the capacity and capabilities for STEM education in Southeast Asia.
Annual Report FY 2020-2021
Since the SEAMEO STEM-ED Centre started operations on 1st November 2019 it has continued its mission of improving the capacity and capabilities in STEM education in Southeast Asia.