Research and Policy Advocacy

Policymakers in the Southeast Asia region may encounter challenges in accessing comprehensive evidence for formulating effective STEM education policies. In a concerted effort to enhance the capabilities of policymakers and researchers in conducting rigorous studies, SEAMEO STEM-ED aims to collaborate with experts in policy, programs, and research. These experts will share insights from successful programs and research practices, acting as consultants to provide valuable technical support and ongoing guidance during roundtable meetings and research studies. The overarching objective is to encourage a thoughtful integration of evidence into the decision-making processes of policymakers and educators concerning the adoption of education programs and curricula.

In the pursuit of impactful policies, it is crucial to acknowledge the current shortfall in both quantity and quality of research studies in our region. Recognising this, we facilitate consultations with esteemed research experts to empower regional researchers.

The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) 2019 report revealed concerning learning disparities, with up to one in three grade 5 students falling below expected proficiency levels. SEAMEO STEM-ED emphasises collaborative efforts to implement equitable learning strategies, utilising data for informed policies. 

Best Practices Sharing – Career Academies (Virtual)

Policy Forum on STEM Educaiton